Friday, June 10, 2011


So yesterday I had a Show Jumping practice/lesson at my trainer's barn, and if I needed to describe the day in one word it would be HOT! Abbey (my sister) came along for her lesson and games practice, for games rally which will be held on June 19. She's riding a sweet Arabian gelding named Paz, who thankfully puts up with just about anything. They had a great practice, and I know she's super excited for the competition:)

While her game's practice was going on I had my jumping lesson. Five of us from my pony club will be going to Maryland for a Show Jumping rally this weekend. Like I said in my last post, I've decided to give my snaffle a try (for better or for worse). Monte went fantastic in it, and I can't wait for this weekend to see how we will do!

After all of this I had some time to kill before I headed back home, and let's just say the time killed me:) After getting everyone water, putting rails back up, running around on errands, and everything else, I was exhausted!!! I was ready to come back home and take a nap. Thankfully I went back home before they could make me do their laundry:)

After I got home I took Monte into the wash stall so I could work on his dandruff. It's not my favorite thing, but I do get "graded" on it so I did it for the good of all. I then proceeded to put Monte in the pasture, where he promptly decided to roll. After this he decides a trip back to his stall is in order, as he rushes past me cantering to the barn.

Yesterday may have been hot, and I may have gotten sweaty (uhhhh),  but in the end I know I'll feel good when all my hard work shines through.

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